I look forward to 2024 and hope that it brings good health, peace, and love to all of you. Let this be the season of positive thinking; let this be the start of a prosperous year for MWI.
I am looking forward to our study groups this winter and to another Card Party in the Spring. We all hope that the weather will cooperate so that we can get out and attend all MWI functions.
I'm also excited about our new relationship with Island Harvest, for whom we will be making reminder calls to patrons receiving weekly food deliveries. This is a perfect way for our members to get involved with MWI's Community Service, as it requires no bending, no lifting, and can be done sitting down.
I encourage you all to be kind to our new members. It makes them feel welcome and you may just make a new friend or two.
Thank you all for your continued support of MWI...again, as always, special thanks to Judy Fischman, our Executive VP.
Polly Hammer
The mission of our organization is philanthropy, giving back to the community, sometimes learning new ways to look at old things, and making friends along the way. That statement says it all. That is the nature of our members. As an organization we are proof that our members live up to our mission. This past year has been horrendous for all of us. We have gone through the Covid pandemic and survived. We survived by seeing each other, mostly on zoom, and sometimes, weather permitting, we were able to meet at a park. Not only did we manage to stay together, we were able to provide support to Island Harvest with donations of close to $30,000 as well. Since we had no fund raisers, our money came from our member’s dues. Our members are always there to lend support in good and bad times. That is the nature of MWI women.
However, nothing happens unless we nurture. We have all just survived a most difficult time in our lives. Now we are able to meet once again at face-to-face meetings. In order to keep MWI the viable organization it is, it is time to nurture each other. Please help us to grow and keep our future as impressive as our past. It is up to all of us to support our events, as well as our study groups. It is at our study groups that we usually find it an easy time to start and grow relationships. Don’t forget the all-important lunch after each meeting. Please consider becoming a presenter at our study groups.
It is time for new thoughts and new ideas. Everyone is welcome and will be listened to. All ideas or suggestions are worth exploring. Hopefully this virus will be a thing of the past in the not-too-distant future. Stay Healthy, Stay Safe!