Hello again. It seems like just yesterday we were writing an article welcoming summer. Guess what? Fall is here, bringing with it fundraisers we are all looking forward to.
October 31st is our annual Book and Author Luncheon. November 21st brings us a new event, Musical Bingo. Cash prizes will be given out to the winners who get "Bingo" by correctly identifying the song title of the excerpt you will hear, and by putting your marker on the Bingo card which will have those titles. The songs are from the 50's and 60's. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Our Chanukah Party is presently in the works. Watch this website and your weekly emails for further information.
Now to backtrack to August 15th, which found MWI women enjoying a wine tasting and luncheon. The event was a fun and informative afternoon at the Fire Island Winery. Our host, Angelo, was not happy because some of the entrees were heavily seasoned, and so he donated $500.00 back to us. This fun filled lunch turned out to be a good fundraiser, which is what we aim to do, so please do support our fundraisers going forward. Your support allows us to donate funds to our worthwhile local causes. Incidentallly, in case you were unaware, you may invite guests to attend any of our fundraisers along with you. The more, the merrier.
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. The holidays are not late this year, it's just that September came too early.