IT'S GIFT WRAPPING TIME AGAIN - and Merrick Kiwanis would welcome our help once again, as we've been doing for many years. For newer members: Kiwanis operates a booth at Roosevelt Field daily, from Saturday, Dec. 9 through Sunday, Dec.24, all staffed by volunteers. All paper, ribbons, tags are provided.
Time slots are usually 2 hours (noon to 8 until Dec. 22; 10-8 Dec. 23 and 24.) You are welcome to sign up alone or with a friend or two (doesn't have to be MWI member.)
If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Linda Susman: name, day(s) and time slot(s) you'd like. your email and your cell number. Once you're confirmed, Linda will send you a note...and the day before you're wrapping, she'll send a reminder. Many, many thanks in advance from Kiwanis.